Thursday, December 15, 2011

Deactivation Station

Oh, Facebook.

I have made the decision to delete my Facebook account. I am not a person who can see so much drama and complaining, etc, and not let it affect me. Therefore, it's now gone. I was really only keeping Facebook around for Jordan, being it was our main source of communication while he was deployed. That is not the case anymore, so I am "freed" of FB. 

I find it really sad that people take an amazing communication tool and turn it into their marriage counselor, or self esteem booster. I am over it. I have a phone and email that work perfectly fine, & this Blog, of course. :) I'll still be able to share photos of Layne with friends and family on here that would like to follow my blog. 

Here's to joining the very small percent of people who don't have FB in this world. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. you are in my favorites now :) im probably going to read this everyday and start one of my own...michael just reinlisted so four more! :)thank for always being there girl and congrats on the new baby!!!
    Jessica Richter
