Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Oppps, I've lost track of time ...

I can't believe it's been a little over a month since my last blog post. Opps. That just shows how busy and exciting it's been around our house. We went to the OB, who said that the baby looks healthy with a strong heartbeat! EXCITING! We are working on getting Layne ready for the little one, not so easy task. Jordan has been working his booty off on the weekends, and just enrolled in school for the Fall. I'm so proud of him. It's going to be insane around our house come August. Working full time, school full time, Layne, and new baby! WOW! But, we're ready as ever. 

We CANNOT wait to find out if we are having a boy or a girl this time. It's probably the planner in me getting the best of me. I want to buy everything and have everything done and ready NOW! ;) This pregnancy has me very nervous and anxious. The Dr. says it's because I already know what to expect that I think everything will be the exact same as it was with Layne. BIG negative already. I have morning sickness and swelling already, leg cramps and heartburn, & oh the exhaustion. We (I) are pushing through it though. 

Layne's newest addiction is playing with Jordan's Hockey gear. We took him to his very first hockey game  on March 23rd in Ohio. He wasn't too sure about it though. It was crowded and loud... you know... hockey. ;) But, explain that to a 2 year old. 

(Don't let him fool you, this was the first 2 minutes of being there.)

(He really liked the cup. lol.)

(Notice his little hand motions.)

We just recently purchased Layne a toddler bed and we are "working" on getting him to sleep in it ALONE! 

He has been fighting it a LOT lately, which usually leads to ...

Grouchy days and long nights. But, look how sweet he looks. :) 


  1. You are so blessed and so busy!! Treasure these days, even through the exhaustion. They are the best years and they go by so fast!! Love you girl!

  2. Thank you so much. I am very blessed and remind myself of it daily. Love you!
